CRM consulting – 5 dimensions for your project success
Since 1995, we’ve implemented countless successful CRM systems for our customers. Drawing on this experience, we continue to hone our expertise in implementing customer-centric business management for our customers. One of the essential insights we’ve acquired is that the success of a project depends above all on the right interplay of the following five aspects:

(Human Factor)




The long-term success of a project can only be achieved if each of these five elements is given equal consideration. Knowing this, we provide our customers with a holistic method for analysis and strategic planning: Customer Management Radar.
Customer Management Radar consists of five elements, namely Strategy, Culture, Processes, Data, and Systems. First we evaluate the existing customer management in a business in terms of each element. Then we use the results to develop action plans and suggest appropriate measures. Thus we create the optimal conditions for a successful customer management.

Culture (Human factor)

(Human factor)
In addition, a holistic approach to CRM requires every employee – even those only indirectly in contact with customers – to orient their thoughts and actions on the customer. In the end, customer-centric business management is achieved only when every employee acts in the interests of the customer. This requires a dedicated change management plan to support every department in implementing the CRM strategy in its daily routine.


The customer management strategy should be oriented on a firm’s sales and business strategies. These two strategies determine what customer centricity means for the business and which processes, data and features are required for CRM to be successful. This clear orientation is critical from the start. Otherwise, if important system features are, retroactive add-ons are generally not only more expensive, but also often make the CRM system unable to support sales strategies.


All processes involving the customer should be designed with the focus on the customer’s benefit, and by means of interdepartmental cooperation among all employees who come in direct or indirect contact with the customer. This is the only way to ensure that customers’ wishes and requirements are considered while designing processes that are as simple as possible. The result is more efficient and more effective customer contact.


Today’s CRM systems must satisfy diverse individual requirements while at the same time fitting seamlessly into all manner of different system configurations. That’s why it’s critical, before introducing a new, state-of-the-art CRM system, to conduct a thorough analysis of the existing system configuration. For example, one should identify systems to be replaced, necessary interfaces and integrations, and requirements for rollout management and operations. This is the only way to find just the right system to fit your business.


Even the latest CRM system will provide little added value and quickly lose favor with all involved if the data it contains is stale, faulty or incomplete. That’s why it’s important to set quality standards and cleanse the data before migrating it. In addition, it’s advisable to thoroughly brief employees before migration begins on the importance of data quality for the business and for the customer.